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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Islam 'Recognizes' Homosexuality

Article continued from QMR newsletter:

"And talking about piety is God's prerogative to judge," she added.

"The essence of the religion (Islam) is to humanize humans, respect and dignify them." Musdah said homosexuality was from God and should be considered natural, adding it was not pushed only by passion. Mata
Air magazine managing editor Soffa Ihsan said Islam's acknowledgement of heterogeneity should also include homosexuality.

He said Muslims needed to continue to embrace ijtihad (the process of making a legal decision by independent interpretation of the Koran and the Sunnah) to avoid being stuck in the old paradigm without developing open-minded interpretations.

Another speaker at the discussion, Nurofiah of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), said the dominant notion of heterogeneity was a social construction, leading to the banning of homosexuality by the majority.

"Like gender bias or patriarchy, heterogeneity bias is socially constructed. It would be totally different if the ruling group was homosexuals, " she said.

Other speakers said the magnificence of Islam was that it could be blended and integrated into local culture. "In fact, Indonesia's culture has accepted homosexuality. The homosexual group in Bugis-Makassar tradition called Bissu is respected and given a high position in the kingdom.

"Also, we know that in Ponorogo (East Java) there has been acknowledgement of homosexuality, " Arus Pelangi head Rido Triawan said.

Condemnation of homosexuality was voiced by two conservative Muslim groups, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Hizbut Thahir Indonesia (HTI).

"It's a sin. We will not consider homosexuals an enemy, but we will make them aware that what they are doing is wrong," MUI deputy chairman Amir Syarifuddin said.

Rokhmat, of the hardline HTI, several times asked homosexual participants in attendance to repent and force themselves to gradually return to the right path.

1 comment:

JoJo Allen said...

this just shows how islam has a different way of being seen in many parts of the world. in s.e. asia, tribal muslim groups have always considered homosexuality as being created by god. not only are these binaries socially constructed, but is relatively new in s.e asia where tribal cultures who have adopted islam have a different view on sexuality and gender roles. this is totally a western and middle eastern ideology. for us tribal muslims, god has given us a different way at looking things, a more accepting way. its sad to see how we are loosing our ways b/c of different external influences where we have lived in peace with ourselves for thousands of years. insha'allah, we shall continue on.

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